Q: What is Colonics? What is the purpose of a Colonic Hydrotherapy session?
Also known as a “colonic or high colonic,” “Colon Lavage,” or “colonic irrigation,” Colonic Hydrotherapy is a safe, effective method for cleansing the colon of waste material by repeated, gentle flushing with water. A Colonic Hydrotherapy session consists of more than simply flushing the bowel. It involves a thorough, individual assessment and evaluation of the client’s symptoms, taking into account diet and environmental influences. Based on this information, the appropriate therapeutic procedures are discussed and executed. The goal of the therapy is to bring about efficient elimination of waste and the restoration of tissue and organ function. Recommendations are given, and clients learn to be responsible for their own health.
Q: What is the purpose of having a colonic?
Waste material, especially that which has remained in the colon for some time (i.e., impacted feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, worms, etc.) poses several problems. This material contains toxins which can circulate in the bloodstream making us feel ill, tired or weak. Impacted materials impair the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and absorb nutrients. A build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, constipation and the results of these disorders.
Q: What is the procedure for the first colonic session?
You will be asked certain medical and health-related questions to make sure that it is not dangerous for you to receive colonic irrigations. Also, your objective for receiving colon hydrotherapy will be discussed. Any questions or concerns you may have will be answered for you at this time as well. Following this procedure, you will be instructed to prepare for your colonic and alleviate any bladder or bowel pressure at that time. Next, you will enter the colon hydrotherapy room. First an abdominal massage will take place. Instructions will be given as to how to lie on the table while gentle insertion of the rectal tube is accomplished. Filling and flushing the water into and out of the colon is the next process. Waste material can be viewed by the client with a specially designed, tilted mirror. Massages will be performed throughout your session to assist in the elimination process. Cleansing of the colon lasts approximately 30-45 minutes depending on the judgment of the colon therapist. When your colonic is completed, the gentle withdrawal of the rectal tube is performed and instructions are given to relieve any possible remaining water and waste material through the final visit to the bathroom. After this is done, colon irrigation is complete, we offer you water and probiotic and you can resume your normal daily activities.
Q: How do I prepare before a colonics treatment?
Consuming water and fibre as part of a healthy diet will encourage the release of faecal matter. Since your abdomen will be massaged, it is a good idea to eat or drink lightly in the 2 hours immediately preceding a session. On the day of your session, try to eat foods that are easily digestible and avoid meat, cheese, and dairy.
Q: What can I expect afterwards?
Most likely, you will feel great! You probably will feel lighter and enjoy a greater sense of well-being. Someone getting their first colonic is usually pleasantly surprised. Any activity you would do, such as work or exercise is fine to afterwards. For some, the session may trigger several subsequent bowel movements for the next few hours, but there won’t be any uncontrollable urgency or discomfort. It is also possible you may feel light-headed or chilled for a few minutes following a colonic.
Q: Can I eat after having a Colonic?
We suggest eating a moderate amount whatever seems gentle and nourishing to you. Eating a meal known to cause trouble in your abdomen directly after having a Colonic is not an intelligent choice. Salads, vegetable soups and broths, fruits and vegetables either juiced or whole are best.
Q: Will one Colonic completely empty the Colon?
Almost never! First of all, many of us have considerable amounts of impacted feces (hardened rubbery or wall-like matter) in our colons. Substantial work must be done to remove it. Second, there is a subtle learning process involved in receiving colonics. As you become more aware of what is going on in your abdomen, and as your body learns to allow the cleansing experience, you are better able to enter into that process and therefore more material is released. One colonic will remove some of the stagnant waste in the colon. The second and subsequent colonics will remove more. How many you may wish to have will depend upon your personal objectives.
Q: How will I know when my Colon is empty?
It will probably never be completely empty as it is an organ and in continuous use. As more of the old, impacted material is released, you will actually feel the water enter higher regions of the colon without any sense of obstruction. The objective ought not to be an empty colon, but rather a well-functioning colon.
Q: How long does a Colonic take?
90% of all colonics take between 30 and 45 minutes. It could also be shorter or longer than that, based upon the judgement of the therapist and sometimes, the wishes of the client. There will also be about 15 minutes required for changing and a deep intestinal massage. For your first colonic you should be prepared to spend about an hour and fifteen minutes at the therapist’s office.
Q: Are Colonics dangerous in any way?
Being an essentially natural process, there is virtually no danger with a colonic. Skilled therapists will exercise extra care with an elderly person who is severely constipated. Also, colonics are never performed on a pregnant woman, a person with currently active ulcerative colitis, or following recent colon surgery. Cleaning and sterilization of the necessary equipment is done as normal procedure and clean linen is used for each colonic. Purified water free of chlorine and sediment is mandatory. Chlorine destroys good bacteria in the colon.
Q: If a colon therapist is so important, what should I be looking for when choosing someone?
Since having a colonic is an intimate experience and is involved with emotional and mental releases as well as physical healing, you will do the best working with someone with whom you can develop a good rapport, and in whose environment you feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. Sensitivity, skill, knowledge and experience are important to consider as they vary widely among therapists. Anyone you contact should be willing to discuss his or her professional background and health philosophy with you. The therapist should be certified by a reputable entity. Proper Colon Therapy should consist of two parts – cleansing and building. It is crucial that before one embarks on such an intense program, one must have a Therapist who is extremely knowledgeable in this area and is prepared to support and guide their client through the entire program – from beginning to end. Just because one owns a hammer does not mean that they are a carpenter! To cleanse without having the proper knowledge of rejuvenating the systems can, and will, leave the body in a weekend state. Thus, the role of the Therapist is a crucial one! They are a teacher – to teach a new language called HEALTH!
Q: What kind of certification should a colonics therapist have in Canada?
While there are no governing bodies in Canada for Colon Hydrotherapists a number of us are working towards accomplishing that. We have started the “Canadian Association for Colon Therapists” and plan to develop a governing body in the very near future. The goals of the Association are to set new standards in colon therapy and to see certified hygienists incorporate a full therapeutic regime One could get a certificate through “The Canadian School of Colon hydrotherapy” Mary Taylor is trained and certified since 2011 specializing in the study and practice of colon therapy. You can get more information on the Colonic Course here: https://vitalitysourcestudio.com/?p=625
Q: Can I lose weight by doing colonics?
Yes, one could lose weight by doing colonics. But… If one is impacted with a large amount of fecal matter and a large amount eliminated in a single session, some people will see the difference on the weight scale. However, this is a short-term gain. In order to see the difference in long-term “weight loss” along with colon hydrotherapy, one would have to commit to a treatment plan where they would make adjustments to diet, water intake and exercise. Only then would you achieve phenomenal results!
Q: What’s the difference between Colonics and Enemas?
To put it as simply as possible, an enema is like washing your face, whereas a colonic is like taking a shower. Enema: Eight to twelve-inch cleansing depth vs. Colonic: Entire length of colon Enema: One or two quarts of water vs. Colonic: Varies from 12-30 gallons Colonic: Less stress mentally and physically with greater results, done by trained professionals; more gentle than enemas. Colon Cleanses: can be done in conjunction with colonics and results will vary depending on the amount of water an individual will consume during this type of cleanse. Most are 30 day cleanses.
Q: How is it different than other cleanses and fasting programs?
Whenever you do anything that increases the rate at which toxins are released into the bloodstream, it is essential that you eliminate whatever you can through the colon. If you don’t, you may unnecessarily experience increased discomforts of toxaemia (poisonous toxins in the bloodstream). Instead of being expelled from your body, toxins may merely re-circulate and settle elsewhere in organs, muscles or tissues. Whether you use colonics or some other elimination aid, you must do something daily. A knowledgeable colon therapist can be of great assistance during any cleansing program. You may find it beneficial to schedule a colonic at the beginning of your fast and ask the therapist to comment on you plan
Q: What do Colonics have to do with our immune system?
The removal of stagnant waste material and hardened impacted toxic residue could rejuvenate the immune tissue that resides in the intestines. Recent European studies speculate that 80% of immune tissue resides in the intestines. This is much higher than previously thought and makes it logical to believe that this type of therapy could influence such immune deficiency diseases as cancer and AIDS. Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure-all, but an important adjunctive therapy in the overall health care of the patient. Q: Is this something I should speak to my general practitioner about? A:
It is always recommended that you speak to your doctor to let them know what you are up to when it comes to your health. However, most health care practitioners are not educated on the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and therefore might be reluctant to refer people to this services
Q: Do Colonics wash out the intestinal flora and valuable nutrients?
The truth is that the washing out of putrefied material in the large intestine, which is only partially reached in any colon irrigation, increases the good intestinal flora. Good bacteria can only breed in a clean environment, which has been washed free of putrefaction and it’s accompanying harmful bacteria. That is why the intestines of a newborn baby immediately begin to grow good intestinal flora. Each time you clean out the garbage and make a better environment for the flora, they start to multiply immediately in their natural media. It also stands to reason that valuable nutrients can better be absorbed in a clean environment that in a dirty one.
Q: Are there any adverse effects?
There are no side effects associated with colonics. You may, however experience symptoms while eliminating toxins from your system. For example: have you ever felt like you didn’t know if you were going to vomit or have a bowel movement and you felt so sick that you broke out in a cold sweat and then you sit on the toilet and have a HUGE bowel movement? Then, the nauseous feeling goes away and you feel a tremendous sense of relief? When some people have severe toxicity, they may experience some of those feelings while getting a treatment. Experiencing pain during a colonic is rare. Usually painful experiences are the result of resistance and tension. A professional colon therapist is skilled at putting you at ease and minimizing discomfort. Most people actually enjoy the colonic and are especially pleased with the unaccustomed sensation of feeling lighter, clean and clear afterwards. Sometimes during a colonic, the colon muscles will contract suddenly expelling considerable amounts of liquid and waste into the rectum. This may feel like cramping or gas and may create a feeling of urgency to empty the rectum. Such episodes, if they occur, are brief and easily tolerated.
Q: What kind of water do you use?
The best type of water to use for colonics is distilled or filtered water. This kind of water is capable of absorbing and flushing more toxins out of the colon due to its drawing effect on solid particles, chemicals and particular matter. Tap water already has numerous chemicals and inorganic substances present
Q: Will a colonic give me diarrhea?
The most frequent post-colonic experience is to have a slight delay in bowel movements and then a resumption of a somewhat larger, easier to move stool. Sometimes, if the colon is weak and sluggish, there may be no bowel movement for several days following a colonic. However, this is not due to colonics, but rather to the weakness of the colon and should be interpreted as an indication that the colon requires strengthening and healing. Very infrequently, diarrhoea or lose bowels may be experienced. This could be due to the extra water introduced into the colon or to the stirring up of toxic waste. If this should occur, it is usually of very short duration. However, since severe diarrhoea dehydrates the body, it must be carefully monitored
Q: Will Colonics help the constipation I have suffered from for years?
Yes, constipation can be successfully treated with natural, harmless techniques including the use of colonics. Often, however, because the colon has been sluggish for so long, it has become severely weekend due to being constantly bathed in toxic waste, stretched from holding excessive stool, and frequently, constricted by chronic tension in the colon. Along with changes in diet, exercise and attitude, the process of colonic hydrotherapy is excellent for cleansing and healing the colon and generating regular bowel movements
Q: Will Colonics help clear up my skin?
Your skin actually “breathes” and is an important organ for elimination of waste material. Sometimes if the colon, liver or kidneys are functioning poorly, the skin will be required to make up the difference. Surface eruptions on the skin of various sorts may occur due to toxins being released. Cleansing and healing the colon diminishes the burden placed upon the skin as well as on the other organs of elimination; the lungs, liver and kidneys. As elimination is accomplished through its proper channels, the skin will very often clear up
Q: How often can you have a colonics treatment?
It is important to be aware of your objectives when working with a colon therapist. For example, if your objective is to quickly recover from the flu, or lower a fever, or eliminate a lower backache, very possibly o one or two colonics may be all that is needed. However, if you have a life-long habit of constipation, to learn to create multiple daily bowel movements and to achieve vital health, you will need more than that. This may require, in addition to possible dietary, exercise and attitude changes, a series of colonics over time. Based on your objectives, should a series be required, it is recommended that you do your treatments as a series of a minimum of 6 treatments 2-4 times a year or during the change of seasons. Once you start, your first 2 sessions should be a few days apart – for example, the first 2 in your first week and then once a week after that until your series is finished. 6 treatments are recommended for the average person and more if you have more serious issues. Your therapist can discuss a treatment plan with you after your first session
Q: What is an oxygenated colonic and is it a good idea?
First, the primary purpose of a colonic is to eliminate long-held waste. Oxygen has nothing to do with that. Second, while there are certain harmful bacteria in the colon that cannot live in the presence of oxygen, they are physically washed out with the flush action of the water anyway, regardless of whether it is oxygenated or not. And finally, while it is undoubtedly helpful to oxygenate the body tissue, there are other more natural, well-established ways of accomplishing this. Deep breathing and aerobic exercises are good examples. The skill and sensitivity of your colon therapist is far more important than the equipment used
Q: Can I become dependent on Colonics? Are they habit forming?
The colonic is a tool intended to be used to create a clean and healthy colon. A colon therapist who is dedicated to your health will encourage you to set a goal of having a well-functioning colon. Our fulfilment comes from assisting you in healing your colon, not making you dependent upon colonics. Actually, one of its better features is that a colonic can be used to tone the colon muscle so that the colon does not perform so sluggishly. Many people have sluggish colons. It may take days for bowel movements to return after a good colonic. This is when people think they are becoming “dependent” on colonics. One good colonic is worth 20-30 regular bowel movements, so it may take some time for faecal matter to build up in the colon once again if one has a sluggish colon. When the colon is sluggish and bowel movements do not return for a few days after one colonic, it is an indication that extensive colon work is needed to remove the debris that the bowel has built up over years. This build-up of faecal matter has decreased the muscular action in the colon. Once a series of colonics is completed, the colon will begin to function more as Mother Nature intended
Q: Do Colonics upset the electrolyte balance in our body?
Electrolytes are the minerals in the body (mainly sodium and potassium salts) which maintain the proper electrical charge and pH balance (acid and alkaline balance) in the various organs of the body. Each one of these tissues, organs and body cavities has a certain proportion and balance of minerals to maintain the necessary pH balance. For example, the stomach should maintain an acid pH and the duodenum (the first part of the small intestine) should be alkaline in order for proper digestion to occur. If this balance is disrupted, then digestion will be impaired. The pH electrical balance in the colon is very neutral, ideally being slightly acid. A strong acid or alkaline environment is not necessary because digestion does not take place in the colon. Rather, a major function of the colon is to re-absorb the fluid from the unformed stool, which is passed into it from the small intestine. After the fluid is re-absorbed and stool is formed, the colon moves the stool into the rectum and out of the body. The majority of material released during a colonic is formed stool that has already had the fluid and electrolytes removed from it. So the amount lost is minimal and easily replaced by the body from the food and fluid we ingest